OWASP Berlin Meetup

This year began with a talk at OWASP Berlin Meetup, which was hosted at Scoutbee GmbH (my current company). Around 40 security experts came to share their knowledge and experiences in different parts of the security industry.

OWASP Berlin Meetup 2024

About OWASP Berlin Meetup:

OWASP Berlin is an open exchange opportunity for anyone interested and enthusiastic about topics related to Information Security and Application Security. All our meetups are free and open. An OWASP membership is not required. The target group is anyone who is passionate about information security, such as: IT consultants, software developers and security testers, IT-managers, IT-architects and students. You can find more details about the Meetup on our OWASP Berlin | OWASP Foundation Site.

About my talk:

Navigating the DevSecOps Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities During our talk, we discussed the challenges and opportunities in the DevSecOps journey. If you are interested in our content, please find the link to the slides below.